

‘方位角计算函数 Azimuth()





‘Style=0为“DD MM SS”格式




Function Azimuth(Sx As Double, Sy As Double, Ex As Double, Ey As Double, Style As Integer)

Dim DltX As Double, DltY As Double, A_tmp As Double, Pi As Double

Pi = Atn(1) * 4 ‘定义PI值

DltX = Ex – Sx

DltY = Ey – Sy + 1E-20

A_tmp = Pi * (1 – Sgn(DltY) / 2) – Atn(DltX / DltY) ‘计算方位角

A_tmp = A_tmp * 180 / Pi ‘转换为360进制角度

Azimuth = Deg2DMS(A_tmp, Style)

End Function



‘Style=0为“DD MM SS”格式




Function Deg2DMS(DegValue As Double, Style As Integer)

Dim tD As Integer, tM As Integer, Ts As Double, tmp As Double

tD = Int(DegValue)

tmp = (DegValue – tD) * 60

tM = Int(tmp)

tmp = (tmp – tM) * 60

Ts = Round(tmp, 1)

Select Case Style

Case -1 ‘返回弧度

Deg2DMS = DegValue * Atn(1) * 4 / 180

Case 0

Deg2DMS = tD & ” ” & Format(tM, “00”) & ” ” & Format(Ts, “00.0”)

Case 1

Deg2DMS = tD & “-” & Format(tM, “00”) & “-” & Format(Ts, “00.0”)

Case 2

Deg2DMS = tD & “°” & Format(tM, “00”) & “ˊ” & Format(Ts, “00.0”) & “”””

Case Else

Deg2DMS = DegValue

End Select

End Function

Function aa(area1 As Double, area2 As Double) As Double

Dim rat As Double

rat = area1 / area2

If (rat < 0.6 Or rat > (1 / 0.6)) And area1 <> 0 And area2 <> 0 Then

aa = (area1 + area2 + sqrt(area1 * area2)) / 3


aa = (area1 + area2) / 2

End If

End Function

Function Distance(Sx As Double, Sy As Double, Ex As Double, Ey As Double, Precision As Integer) As Double

Dim DltX As Double, DltY As Double

DltX = Ex – Sx

DltY = Ey – Sy

Distance = Round(Sqr(DltX * DltX + DltY * DltY), Precision)

End Function

Function inValue(stgA As Double, Av As Double, stgB As Double, Bv As Double, stgC As Double) As Double

If stgB <> stgA Then

inValue = Av + (Bv – Av) / (stgB – stgA) * (stgC – stgA)


inValue = -9.9999999

End If

End Function

Function pol(AX As Double, AY As Double, Bx As Double, By As Double) As String

pol = Azimuth(AX, AY, Bx, By, 2) & ” ” & Distance(AX, AY, Bx, By, 3)

End Function

Function rec(alpha As String, dist As Double) As String

Dim Alpha_Rad As Double

Alpha_Rad = StringToRad(alpha)

rec = “dx:” & Round(Cos(Alpha_Rad) * dist, 3) & ” dy:” & Round(Sin(Alpha_Rad) * dist, 3)

End Function

Function StringToRad(strAz) ‘将字符串格式方位角转换成弧度格式

Dim azSubStr

If strAz <> “” Then

azSubStr = Split(strAz, “-“)

If UBound(azSubStr) = 2 Then

StringToRad = (azSubStr(0) + azSubStr(1) / 60 + azSubStr(2) / 3600) * Atn(1) * 4 / 180


StringToRad = 0

End If


StringToRad = 0

End If

End Function

‘竹山龙背湾 2010-09-08


Function CoSysTableExist() As Boolean

Dim i As Long

CoSysTableExist = False

For i = 1 To Sheets.Count

If Sheets(i).Name = “CoSys” Then

CoSysTableExist = True

Exit For

End If


‘If Not CoSysTableExist Then

‘Dim NewTable As Sheets

‘End If

End Function


Function CoSysFndPara(CoSysName As String) As String

Dim FndIndex As Long

If CoSysTableExist Then

For FndIndex = 1 To 100

If Trim(Sheets(“CoSys”).Range(“A” & FndIndex).Text) = Trim(CoSysName) Then

CoSysFndPara = Trim(Sheets(“CoSys”).Range(“B” & FndIndex).Text)                      ‘AX

CoSysFndPara = CoSysFndPara & “,” & Trim(Sheets(“CoSys”).Range(“C” & FndIndex).Text) ‘AY

CoSysFndPara = CoSysFndPara & “,” & Trim(Sheets(“CoSys”).Range(“D” & FndIndex).Text) ‘Ax

CoSysFndPara = CoSysFndPara & “,” & Trim(Sheets(“CoSys”).Range(“E” & FndIndex).Text) ‘Ay

If InStr(Trim(Sheets(“CoSys”).Range(“F” & FndIndex).Text), “-“) <> 0 Then

CoSysFndPara = CoSysFndPara & “,” & Trim(Sheets(“CoSys”).Range(“F” & FndIndex).Text) ‘az


CoSysFndPara = CoSysFndPara & “,” & Azimuth(Trim(Sheets(“CoSys”).Range(“B” & FndIndex).Text), Trim(Sheets(“CoSys”).Range(“C” & FndIndex).Text), Trim(Sheets(“CoSys”).Range(“F” & FndIndex).Text), Trim(Sheets(“CoSys”).Range(“G” & FndIndex).Text), 1) ‘BY or Type

End If

Exit For

End If



CoSysFndPara = “”

End If

End Function


Function NE2SO_STG(CoSysName As String, P_N As Double, P_E As Double) As Double

Dim coSysParaStr As String

Dim coSysPara

Dim O_X As Double, O_Y As Double, O_Stage As Double, O_Offset As Double, X_Line_Azimuth_Str As Double


coSysParaStr = CoSysFndPara(CoSysName)

coSysPara = Split(coSysParaStr, “,”)

O_X = coSysPara(0)         ‘基点测图坐标

O_Y = coSysPara(1)

O_Stage = coSysPara(2)     ‘基点施工坐标

O_Offset = coSysPara(3)

X_Line_Azimuth_Str = StringToRad(coSysPara(4)) ‘施工坐标系X轴方位角,弧度

NE2SO_STG = Round((P_N – O_X) * Cos(X_Line_Azimuth_Str) + (P_E – O_Y) * Sin(X_Line_Azimuth_Str) + O_Stage, 3)

End Function


Function NE2SO_OFF(CoSysName As String, P_N As Double, P_E As Double) As Double

Dim coSysParaStr As String

Dim coSysPara

Dim O_X As Double, O_Y As Double, O_Stage As Double, O_Offset As Double, X_Line_Azimuth_Str As Double


coSysParaStr = CoSysFndPara(CoSysName)

coSysPara = Split(coSysParaStr, “,”)

O_X = coSysPara(0)         ‘基点测图坐标

O_Y = coSysPara(1)

O_Stage = coSysPara(2)     ‘基点施工坐标

O_Offset = coSysPara(3)

X_Line_Azimuth_Str = StringToRad(coSysPara(4)) ‘施工坐标系X轴方位角,弧度

NE2SO_OFF = Round(-(P_N – O_X) * Sin(X_Line_Azimuth_Str) + (P_E – O_Y) * Cos(X_Line_Azimuth_Str) + O_Offset, 3)

End Function


Function SO2NE_N(CoSysName As String, P_x As Double, P_y As Double) As Double

Dim coSysParaStr As String

Dim coSysPara

Dim O_X As Double, O_Y As Double, O_Stage As Double, O_Offset As Double, X_Line_Azimuth_Str As Double


coSysParaStr = CoSysFndPara(CoSysName)

coSysPara = Split(coSysParaStr, “,”)

O_X = coSysPara(0)         ‘基点测图坐标

O_Y = coSysPara(1)

O_Stage = coSysPara(2)     ‘基点施工坐标

O_Offset = coSysPara(3)

X_Line_Azimuth_Str = StringToRad(coSysPara(4)) ‘施工坐标系X轴方位角,弧度

SO2NE_N = Round(O_X + (P_x – O_Stage) * Cos(X_Line_Azimuth_Str) – (P_y – O_Offset) * Sin(X_Line_Azimuth_Str), 3)

End Function


Function SO2NE_E(CoSysName As String, P_x As Double, P_y As Double) As Double

Dim coSysParaStr As String

Dim coSysPara

Dim O_X As Double, O_Y As Double, O_Stage As Double, O_Offset As Double, X_Line_Azimuth_Str As Double


coSysParaStr = CoSysFndPara(CoSysName)

coSysPara = Split(coSysParaStr, “,”)

O_X = coSysPara(0)         ‘基点测图坐标

O_Y = coSysPara(1)

O_Stage = coSysPara(2)     ‘基点施工坐标

O_Offset = coSysPara(3)

X_Line_Azimuth_Str = StringToRad(coSysPara(4)) ‘施工坐标系X轴方位角,弧度

SO2NE_E = Round(O_Y + (P_x – O_Stage) * Sin(X_Line_Azimuth_Str) + (P_y – O_Offset) * Cos(X_Line_Azimuth_Str), 3)

End Function

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